10125 : Is there any better documentation that explains what each property, method, and event is used for. I have been working on a sample app in demo mode for two days and am needing to do some very specific things but cannot get the right answers from the help.

complete but very very brief help file. This is true and we are aware of this. Hopefully this can be compensated somewhat by the samples that are available here: https://plexityhide.com/pub/VCLNative.zip… Continue reading

10268 : I miss the onDependencyAction-Event in the control

…following event has been added: procedure OnDependencyAction(const theGant: IphGantX3;                                  const theStartDataEntity: IphDataEntity_GantTime2;                                  const theTargetDataEntity: IphDataEntity_GantTime2); dispid 208; Get it by downloading the latest patch from here https://plexityhide.com/pub/phGantXControl.zip  … Continue reading

10791 : Databound links with different types

Question Question:Using code:< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> {   gantt1.TimeItemLinks.NameInDS_StartKey=”start”;   gantt1.TimeItemLinks.NameInDS_TargetKey=”target”;   gantt1.TimeItemLinks.DataSource=currentProject.WorkLinks; } loads the relationships… however type relationship is used one and one,… Continue reading