…it is superb compared to anything else. You should choose GTP.NET. If you are in a COM environment choose phGantTimePackage COM. If you are in Borland Delphi or Borland C++Builder,… Continue reading

10898 : I want to click/doubleclick on an empty spot in the chart to create a new item in Gantt_ASP.

…e.ThisClickSelectedLink==null)     {         DataRow dr=dataSet1.Tables[“timeitem”].NewRow();         dr[“owner”]=(e.Row.GridNode.ListItemWhenDataBound() as DataRowView)[“id”];         dr[“start”]=aGantt.Gantt.DateScaler.PixelToTime(e.X);         dr[“stop”]=aGantt.Gantt.DateScaler.PixelToTime(e.X).AddDays(2);         dataSet1.Tables[“timeitem”].Rows.Add(dr);     }     LabelClickInfo.Text=”You clicked GanttRow with id “+((e.Row.GridNode.ListItemWhenDataBound() as DataRowView)[“id”]).ToString();   } This… Continue reading