11058 : I am trying to add 2 texts to a time item. I want to be able to show text1 on one line and text2 on the line below text1. How can I accomplish this?

…padding. The second one should have a top padding to make it appear under the first one:         TimeItemText titxt = new TimeItemText();       titxt.Text = “Test”;       titxt.TimeItemTextLayout… Continue reading

10027 : It is possible to host a windows user control in an Internet Explorer browser

…following way: <object id=”TestControl” height=”600″ width=”600″ classid=”http:test2control.dll#test2control.UserControl1” viewastext> </object> It works perfectly. I then created windows usercontrol and dragged a GTP.Gantt onto the usercontrol. But now it’s not possible to… Continue reading