10404 : Adding time items, they all get the same color


Hi I have modified this code from one of the examples but i want to change the colour of some of the bars depending on the data Private Sub gantt1_OnNodeInserted(ByVal aGrid As PlexityHide.GTP.Grid, ByVal e As PlexityHide.GTP.NodeEventArgs) Handles gantt1.OnNodeInserted

            Dim row As Object = e.GridNode.ListItemWhenDataBound()
            Dim val As Object = e.GridNode.OwningCollection.NodeDataConnect.CurrencyManager.GetItemProperties().Find(“id”, True).GetValue(row)
            Dim val2 As String = e.GridNode.OwningCollection.NodeDataConnect.CurrencyManager.GetItemProperties().Find(“name”, True).GetValue(row)
            Dim view As String

            ‘ Set up tree using DataViews, in this sample we only allow for SubLevel zero (root nodes) to have sub nodes
            If e.GridNode.SubLevel = 0 Then
                Dim subNodeView As DataView = New DataView(dataSet21.project)
                If TypeOf val Is Int32 Then
                    subNodeView.RowFilter = “ownedby=” & val.ToString()
                    Select Case CStr(val2).Trim
                        Case “Shattered”
                            view = “sh”
                        Case Else
                            view = “ELSE”

                    End Select

                    subNodeView.RowFilter = “ownedby=-1”
                End If
                ‘ Set the SubNodes to bind to the subNodeView
                e.GridNode.SubNodes_DataSourceList = subNodeView
            End If

            ‘ Set up time items in layer 0 with a dataview of the time items dataset
            Dim gr As GanttRow = Gantt.GanttRowFromGridNode(e.GridNode)
            Dim timeitemView As DataView = New DataView(dataSet_timeitems1.timeitem)
            If TypeOf val Is Int32 Then
                timeitemView.RowFilter = “ownedby=” & val.ToString()

                timeitemView.RowFilter = “ownedby=-1”

            End If

            gr.Layers(0).NameInDS_Start = “start”
            gr.Layers(0).NameInDS_Stop = “stop”
            gr.Layers(0).DataSourceList = timeitemView

            If view = “ELSE” Then
                Dim ti1 As TimeItem = gr.Layers(0).AddNewTimeItem()
                ti1.TimeItemLayout.SelectHandles = Color.Black
                ti1.TimeItemLayout.BrushKind = BrushKind.GradientDiagonal
                ti1.TimeItemLayout.Color = Color.YellowGreen
                ti1.TimeItemLayout.GradientColor = Color.Yellow
                Dim ti2 As TimeItem = gr.Layers(0).AddNewTimeItem()
                ti2.TimeItemLayout.SelectHandles = Color.Black
                ti2.TimeItemLayout.BrushKind = BrushKind.GradientDiagonal
                ti2.TimeItemLayout.Color = Color.SteelBlue
                ti2.TimeItemLayout.GradientColor = Color.White
            End If



        End Sub

What do i need to change to do this

at the moment they still come out the one colour


Since the timeItemLayouts are objects that in this case is being re-used to for all time items you actually change the properties of that single TimeItemLayout over and over. You need to definie two different timeItemLayouts and use them distinctivly.

                TimeItemLayout til1=new TimeItemLayout()
                til1.SelectHandles = Color.Black
                til1.BrushKind = BrushKind.GradientDiagonal
                til1.Color = Color.YellowGreen
                til1.GradientColor = Color.Yellow

                TimeItemLayout til2=new TimeItemLayout()
                til2.SelectHandles = Color.Black
                til2.BrushKind = BrushKind.GradientDiagonal
                til2.Color = Color.SteelBlue
                til2.GradientColor = Color.White

Once you have that you go like this:

            If view = “ELSE” Then
                Dim ti1 As TimeItem = gr.Layers(0).AddNewTimeItem()
                Dim ti2 As TimeItem = gr.Layers(0).AddNewTimeItem()
           End If

10403 : GTP.NET for a ASP.NET gantt_OnAreaAttributes


I’m evaluating GTP.NET for a ASP.NET – App.
In the event “gantt_OnAreaAttributes(Gantt_ASP aGantt, AreaAttributeEventArgs e)” is like to use UserReference-Property of the TimeItem (Key-ID of a Database-Record)
How can i do this?


You can use the information in the e.GroupName and e.ItemKey.

For  e.AreaKind==AreaKind.TimeItem the e.GroupName will be “TI;” and the ItemKey you can send into the Gantt_ASP.TimeItemFromKey and you will get the TimeItem back so:

Gantt_ASP.TimeItemFromKey(e.ItemKey).UserReference will do it.

10373 : Is it possible to control the drawing of TimeItems so that if the TimeItemText is not contained within the area of the TimeItem box then I can use the TimeItemTexts box as the box of the TimeItem.


I am developing a Gantt tool which will have to display a LOT of data. Is it possible to control the drawing of TimeItems so that if the TimeItemText is not contained within the area of the TimeItem box then I can use the TimeItemText’s box as the box of the TimeItem. This would ensure that the text did not overlap a subsequent TimeItem

Also, how do I get hold of the box data?

Also is it possible to expand a time-item’s height according to the number of lines the TimeItemText has wrapped to. How can I find out this number?


None of the things you ask for are available out of the box, but you can solve them all using the user draw technique. Take a look at this article that discusses OnTimeItem_UserDraw: http://plexityhide.dyndns.org/InstantKB13/Article.aspx?id=10210

In the OnTimeItem_UserDraw event you get the bounds of the box: e.Rect. The same value is also available in the TimeItem.DrawRect property. To get the bounds of the TimeItemText you need to meassure the text with the Graphic.MeasureString method from GDI. The Graphics object is also supplied in the TimeItem_UserDraw event.

These are good ideas and we will consider to extend the TimeItemLayout to handle these things in the future. Thanks!

10346 : Getting the clicked Node


A gantt in my application has a treeivew of GridNodes, and I would like to enable the users to right click on the root nodes (which would bring up a context menu) and select a delete menu item to delete that node and all of the child nodes. I only want the user to see a menu if they click on a root node.

So far I have been unable to get the index of the grid node that I clicked on to see if its a root node. I started off with GanttRowFromY(e.Y).GridNode, but the node that is returned always has an index of 0 and the .ParentNode is never null (but the .ParentNode.ParentNode) is always null – irrespective on which GridNode I right-click on.

Could you send a code sample where you get the GridNode which the user clicks on? Also, is there a place where I can store an object that will reference back to the data record which is responsible for the creation of this node? Similar to what you can do with the TimeItem.UserReference property.


The reason for GanttRowFromY(e.Y).GridNode failing is probably because you send in a coordinate from the Grid Context (from OnGridMouseDown maybe) and the grid and timeitem area are not aligned due to column heads of the grid.

This is the way to do it:

    private void gantt1_OnGridMouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
      Cell cell=gantt1.Grid.GridStructure.CellFromXY(e.X,e.Y);
      if ((cell!=null) && (e.Clicks==2)) 
        MessageBox.Show(cell.Node.SubLevel.ToString()+" - "+ cell.Node.Index.ToString());
If you only want to show the popup for root nodes you should check that Node.SubLevel==0.
You also had a question on where to store a reference in the GridNode; The answer is GridNode.UserReference :-)




10334 : Is it possible to have some timeitems in the gantt that cannot be resized?


it’s possible to have some timeitems in the gantt that cannot be resized? (not all, some of the depending on custom data in UserReference)

Thank you for your support, the component is very nice and powerful!


Yes, You can set the FixedSize property to a pixel value on the TimeItemLayout. You also need to set the FixedSizeUse to true.A fixed value cannot be resized and will not stretch on zooming etc. This is good for milestones or bullet points in your schedule.

If the time item really has a stop value but you do not want the user to be able to change it you should set the TimeItemLayout.AllowResizeEast property to false instead.



10345 : Differences in ASP and windows forms controls


Is the GTP.NET.WEB version also exactly like Gantt_M$_Look.exe?

I have installed Gantt_M$_Look.exe it works fine but the thing is I need ASP.NET version.

If your answer is yes we will buy .


You can get the same look in ASP as you get in windows forms, everything from userdrawn time items, links, locale sensitive date scaler info, things drawn in the background or foreground…

The limitations in the asp version is in the interaction part.

  • You can scroll in time, backwards and forwards (it will be more jerky than in windows forms)
  • You can zoom in time inwards and outwards (it will be more jerky than in windows forms)
  • You can select and detect clicks to individual time items and Gantt rows.
  • You cannot out of the box get multiple edit modes in the grid (you need to code client side scripts for this)
  • You cannot grab a time item and drag it.

10342 : OnAfterCheck event


OnAfterCheck event

Is it possible to include some kind of OnAfterCheck event in the grid of GTP.Net? OnAfterEditCell won’t fire after a checkbox (Celltype.BoolCheck) has been (un)checked


The event Grid.OnBeforeEndEditCell fires when any inplace edit control is taken out of edit mode, or when the checkbox is clicked. In this event you can dis-allow any editing based on your own logic.


10332 : How do you databind a dataset to the datagrid for the Web (PlexityHide.GTP.WEB.dll)?


How do you databind a dataset to the datagrid for the Web (PlexityHide.GTP.WEB.dll)?  Followed the example like the Windows Form does not bind the data – the dataset does have the information.


We made a new sample. This is sample is not in the general download at the time this is being written, but it will be.

You can download the sample from here: https://plexityhide.com/pub/WebSampleWithDatabind.zip

This sample is very thin but it shows the important concepts. The sample has more or less a copy of the sample Gantt_Database and instansiate the windowsform from that sample, wraps the data bounded gantt from that sample to a Gantt_ASP.

Ofcourse you would not need to instansiate the form, but it is a practical solution if you already have a winform with a Gantt and you want to show the same info on the web.

The new active code from the sample above is only this:

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	// Put user code to initialize the page here
	// Since we made a sample called Gantt_Databind that brings up a windows form
	// with a gantt that shows data from a demo database we reuse that form and 
	// instruct this web gantt to wrap that gantt (gantt_ASPSettings2.WrapGantt)
	// When that is setup we ask the form to connect to the database. Voila!
	// This is a good example on how you can reuse the investment in a form showing 
	// Gantt data on the web.
	Form1 aformwithaBindingGantt=new Form1();

10273 : No images in Gantt_ASP


I’m trying to test your gantt control in asp.net.

Currently i’m not able to test cause when i put the control on my webform, it looks like that the images for showing the controll can not be loaded or be found.

What i see is that i c:\temp 3 images are inside. The folder as fullaccess to everyone.

When i run the webapplication there is the same result. It looks like that images are not found.


The search path supplied is only used for design time images. In runtime the images are put into the cache and held for two minutes. The Gantt_ASP component uses the GTPImg.aspx page to retrieve the requested image from the designtime storage (disk) or the runtime storage (cache).

So your application must include a copy of the GTPImg.aspx page. You do not have to do anything special with it, just make sure that it is part of your project and resident in the same folder as your Gantt_ASP components owning web-form.


10328 : Tag on TimeItems



i’d like to ask if it’s possible to add a Tag property (an Object variable) to the TimeItem class and GanttRow one (and maybe others). Usually it’s present in the .NET default controls to store useful data (like the code that represent a node in a tree control) for easily identify things.

I’d like to see that already implemented in the Gantt component without deriving the already existing classes.


Yes you are free to use the UserReference property of the TimeItem for this.