10484 : How can I iterate trough all the rows of the grid and gantt rows then save them to a database and later on read them in again. VCL

…Gantt (instanse called G1) procedure TForm1.ButtonIterateClick(Sender: TObject); procedure IterateCellsInANode(aGridRow:TAxisContentItem); var x:integer; begin for x:=0 to G1.Grid.CellCountX-1 do begin G1.Grid.GetText(G1.Grid.Cell[x,aGridRow.ListIndex]); end; end; procedure IterateGanttRowContent(aGantRow:TGantRow); var i,ii:integer; aTimeItem:TphDataEntity_GantTime; begin // Iterate layers… Continue reading

11149 : Is there a way to find if the time item is changing a row in the OnValueChangedGantTime event.

…the OnValueChangedGantTime event.   Check the argument theDataEntity!=null, and also check IphGantX3.GetMouseMoveMode==mmMove. If both these are true, the user is moving a time item… Use something like this then:  _ThisIsARowMove=theGant.RowList.FindRowFromY(IphGantX3.MousePositionGantArea.Y)<>theDataEntity_GantTime.Row    … Continue reading

10442 : Changing single Cells font color based on a rule

…by multiple cells. One way to reach your desired result is to create a new CellLayout for each cell like this                         CellLayout cl=GetCell(0).Layout.Clone() as CellLayout;                         GetCell(0).Layout=cl;                         cl.Font.Color=Color.Red;… Continue reading