10834 : How can i get the Row-Number on gantt1_OnTimeItem_ChangeRow?

< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Question

How can i get the Row-Number on gantt1_OnTimeItem_ChangeRow?



For the old row you follow e.TimeItem.GanttRow.GridNode.Index

For the new row you follow e.NewGanttRow.GridNode.Index

Mind you that the Index is the Index of the list of GridNodes (Grid.OwningCollection), if this node is a sub node you will get the index of the position within that child list.

10827 : I want to display timeitemtext to the right side of the time item how it is possible?


I want to display timeitemtext to the right side of the time item how it is possible……….?


You simply set  TimeItemTextLayout.OutsideText=true, then the text will be rendered outside of the time item. Use the VertAlign and HorzAlign to control in what quadrant the time item will be drawn (far, far gives lower right corner).

So in your case: right side.  Set HorzAlign=StringAlignment.Far and VertAlign=StringAlignment.Center


10819 : When size of TimeItem is small i am unable to increase the time item to the east


when the size of TimeItem is small i am unable to increase the time item at east size, i didn’t get the StopValueResize event.

Whereas it allows me to increase the size at west side but i want to increase its size only to the east side.

If the size of TimeItem is small it should get increased to the east side, Please give me the solution for this problem…


We agree that iy would be more natural to resize really small items to the east. This is changed in GTP.NET 3.0 (available soon)

10800 : Catching events in inplace edit boxes


I need to know how to fill a combotext (editbox) in the grid (possible without an event ?) and after i need to know how to get a value from that combotextbox after I have selected one item from it by mouse.

Today I only can fill the box with that grid1_OnBeforeEditCell event and I only can retrieve a box value after i have selected one by mouse and additionaly pressed enter.


You will need to use the event, but you can also hook up event listeners in this event on your combobox. This way you can react to any action taken in the inplace edit box:

private void grid1_OnBeforeEditCell(PlexityHide.GTP.Grid grid, PlexityHide.GTP.BeforeEditEventArgs beforeEdit)
  if (beforeEdit.Cell.Content is ComboText)
	(beforeEdit.Cell.Content as ComboText).EditBox.Items.Clear();
	(beforeEdit.Cell.Content as ComboText).EditBox.Items.Add("Item 1");
	(beforeEdit.Cell.Content as ComboText).EditBox.Items.Add("Item 2");
	(beforeEdit.Cell.Content as ComboText).EditBox.Items.Add("Item 3");
	(beforeEdit.Cell.Content as ComboText).EditBox.Items.Add("Item 4");
           (beforeEdit.Cell.Content as ComboText).EditBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(EditBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
     if (beforeEdit.Cell.Content is SingleText)
        (beforeEdit.Cell.Content as SingleText).EditBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(EditBox_TextChanged);



    void EditBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      // Tell someone that the index changed

    void EditBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      (sender as TextBox).ForeColor=Color.Green;

10767 : Columns for databind


This may be a simple question but having some issues trying to figure it out. How do you connect a DataSource to the gantt chart at runtime and have the columns show up?

What I mean is that the only way I have been able to get something to show up on the control is if I go into the properties of the control at design time and manual add a column the to the collection and map it to the specific field from the datasource. Is there a way to set the data source at runtime and just have the data appear?

Maybe I’m just missing something simple.


Go like this Gantt.Grid.AutoCreateColumnsFromDataset=true, it should do it

10783 : How can I sort the Gantt rows?


I have to sort data from a column that is date(initial date) in my Gantt.ASP

How can I sort the Gantt rows?

I have to do this when my gantt already have data, and I want to do this only with code(no click events)
I’m programming in VB.Net

Thanks for all.


To sort the content on GanttRows you must iterate every layer on each GanttRow and call Sort on the Layer that calls the collectionbase.innerlist.sort method. Implement your own comparer to sort. Do not use if this list is databound, if that is so, you should sort the datasource instead.

To Sort GridNodes you call Gantt.GridStructure.RootNodes.Sort you can send in your own object implementing IComparer to sort on any criteria.

10956 : Custom links



I have created a custom link with the TimeItemLinkDrawStyle.User property but the  OnTimeItemLink_SelectionChanged event doesn’t raise and the UserDrawLinkEventArgs.G property is null in the OnUserDrawLink event when i select a custom link. How could i select a custom link?

Can you help me?




The thing is that user drawn links can have any shape, so we need to find a way to describe that shape so that we can detect a selection.

This is done by a two step process; selection region definition and drawing.


The selection region definition is done in the in the OnUserDrawLink event when the e.BoundingRegion is set. So, to have a selectable straight line link go like this:


< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

        void gantt1_OnUserDrawLink(Gantt aGantt, UserDrawLinkEventArgs e)


          if (e.BoundingRegion!=null)


            GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();

            gp.AddLine(e.StartPoint, e.TargetPoint);


            gp.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black,5));

            e.BoundingRegion.Union(new Region(gp));




            e.G.DrawLine(Pens.Red, e.StartPoint, e.TargetPoint);  




        void gantt1_OnTimeItemLink_SelectionChanged(TimeItemLinks aLinks, TimeItemLinkArgs args)


          if (args.TimeItemLink.TimeItemLinkDrawStyle==TimeItemLinkDrawStyle.User)

            MessageBox.Show(“User drawn link selected”);


10923 : I am trying out the ASP.NET samples it starts but I dont seem to be able to move the bars?


I am trying out the ASP.NET samples; it starts but I don’t seem to be able to move the bars. Do you know what the problem is?


Your webproject should be Ajax-enabled (download and install from here http://ajax.asp.net/)

Place the Gantt_ASP in an UpdatePanel, and make sure that Gantt_ASP.ClientTimeItems is set to true.

When you have downloaded the ASP.NET set up and samples you can find the projects and source code here C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\GTP.NET.ASP.NET.AJAX\CompleteSource\LetsBuild_Web