10478 : I was wondering if there is a way too have the gantt row associated with the grid item highlight when its grid item is selected?


I am currently trying an evaluation copy of your control. I was wondering if there is a way too have the gantt row associated with the grid item highlight when its grid item is selected?


There is no such automatic function, sorry. But the workaround (yes there is always a workaround) is to implement the OnTimeItemAreaPaintBackground, and simply draw something in the GanttRow rectangle that belongs to the GridNode currently selected.

The code below draws a red frame on the gantt row that is owned by the focused grid node…

    private void gantt1_OnTimeItemAreaPaintBackground(PlexityHide.GTP.OffscreenDraw aOffscreenDraw, PlexityHide.GTP.OffscreenDrawArgs e)
      if (gantt1.Grid.GridStructure.FocusedCell!=null )
        Rectangle r=Gantt.GanttRowFromGridNode(gantt1.Grid.GridStructure.FocusedCell.Node).Rect();
        e.G.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red,3),r);

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