10665 : How can I put an image (like the example in Yapp) in a TimeLine?


How can I put an image (like the example in Yapp) in a TimeLine?


In phGantTimePackage you set the IphDataEntity_GantTime2.Style to gtsImage, uses the ImageIndex property to get a Image from the imagelist (same images as from the tree) . Or you can use a userdrawn time item and place an additional icon in there by normal GDI drawing.

In GTP.NET the TimeItemTextLayout has a property for ImageIndex. This enables you to place multiple icons in or outside of a time item.

10665 : How can I put an image (like the example in Yapp) in a TimeLine?


How can I put an image (like the example in Yapp) in a TimeLine?


In phGantTimePackage you set the IphDataEntity_GantTime2.Style to gtsImage, uses the ImageIndex property to get a Image from the imagelist (same images as from the tree) . Or you can use a userdrawn time item and place an additional icon in there by normal GDI drawing.

In GTP.NET the TimeItemTextLayout has a property for ImageIndex. This enables you to place multiple icons in or outside of a time item.