10926 : When hosting ASP.NET Ajax applications in a frame or iframe I get “access denied”

…between that and “case Sys.Browser.Safari:” with the following: Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation=function(a){if(a.self||a.nodeType===9)return new Sys.UI.Point(0,0);var b=a.getBoundingClientRect();if(!b)return new Sys.UI.Point(0,0);var c=a.document.documentElement,d=b.left-2+c.scrollLeft,e=b.top-2+c.scrollTop;try{var g=a.ownerDocument.parentWindow.frameElement||null;if(g){var f=2-(g.frameBorder||1)*2;d+=f;e+=f}}catch(h){}return new Sys.UI.Point(d,e)};break; (no line breaks) The site should now work without the exceptions…. Continue reading

10699 : Strongly typed datasets in the samples

…            {                 return ((GanttDataSet.TasksRow)((node.ListItemWhenDataBound() as DataRowView).Row));             }             else             {                 return (null);             }         } It casts DataRow to particula data row related to my… Continue reading