10935 : How can I configure the gantt visualization to make it more attractive?


How can I configure the gantt visualization to make it more attractive? For example Xtracharts , there default GUI look so attractive (but they dont support full Gantt function like yours) Is there any way to configure it colorfull like that?


The abilities to change the look of the GTP.NET are endless.

To Start with TimeItems:
To fill the time item we offer some styles out of the box with gradient behavior ;by setting properties like Color, GradientColor, FrameColor, BrushKind (Important!) and TimeItemStyle to Modern1, Pipe or Glossy you can do very much with little effort.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

And if that is not enough you implement UserDrawn time items.


To do the background we also offer UserDraw events like  OnTimeItemAreaPaintBackground. Combined with methods like TimeToPixel you can do time dependent backgrounds any way you need.



10936 : Is it possible with the GTP.Net component to import MS Project “.mpp” file ?


Is it possible with the GTP.Net component to import MS Project “.mpp” file ? if not, is-it possible to extract data from it and recreate a Gantt diagram editable ??




< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

No, sorry, GTP.NET does not read .mpp files. The workaround is to use the xml format from MsProject, read it into a dom and iterate and populate either the Gantt directly via the API, or populate the datasets and bind those to the Gantt.


Once you have populated the Gantt everything is editable by graphical manipulation.


10728 : I would like to a gantt inside an automatically generated PDF (using sharpPDF).


I would like to insert a gantt inside an automatically generated PDF (using sharpPDF).

My current solution is to gantt.PrintPage() into a bitmap-backed System.Drawing.Graphics. Then insert this bitmap inside the PDF. It works but it’s bitmap based, so it’s quite ugly when zooming.

Is there a way to divert the call to the Graphics object into a specially crafted “VirtualGraphics” that would act as a proxy (glue layer) to the PDF library ?

Or is there an other solution that could be able to insert a vectorized version of GTP inside a PDF without any user interaction ?


You can do exactly as you do now, but use a MetaFile instead of a Bitmap. Metafile (saves as wmf or emf) is vector based and you can think of it as the “microsoft-postscript-implementation”. Meta file sample found here


10744 : I have use two layers in every gantt row, how can I sync movement of time items?


I have use two layers in every gantt row. One layer for showing task timeitem and other for progress timeitem together with no. of days of progress label value in that time item. Now the problem is that if i move timeitem of first layer in same row at right side, I also want to move timeitem of second layer so that it takes start time of timeitem of first layer. Also how to retrieve start time of timeitem of one layer when the user resize the timeitem of another layer.


Many possible ways. The best solution is to use a Invisble time item link and set up a TimeItemLinkAction with the value SameStart, that will fix it.

Sample showing how to set up some LinkActions:

      gantt1.Grid.RootNodes[2].GetCell(0).Content.Value=“Third row, use link action, and invisible link”;

10755 : Cant use the samples.


Can’t use the samples. I tried to open the GTP.NET sample for Visual Studio 2003 VB.NET. When opening the vbproj file, the system states that several names are not a member of Plexihide.GTP. …

How can I solve this problem?


We are constantly updating the GTP.NET and in this case the assembly that the sample is trying to use is non existent or to old.

1. In the solution explorer, fold down references.
2. Find the PlexityHide.GTP and delete it, if you cant find it that is fine to.
3. Right click “References” and choose “Add Reference”
4. In the “Add reference” dialog choose “browse”
5. Locate the PlexityHide.GTP assembly in your install folder and the CLR11 (C:\Program Files (x86)\plexityHide.com\GTP.NET 2.3\CLR11)
6. Ok the dialog and the assembly is added.
5. F5 and run

10913 : Is there a way to define the height so that all elements are displayed?


Web application using Gantt_ASP

is there a way to define the height so that all elements are displayed?
Or is there a command that tells if an element is not displayed?

I have a gantt that is connected to a database, so the size of the gantt could be very large, or very small. Is there a way to check how big the gantt should be?

Gantt_ASP.height = node.row1 + rode.row2…….. + header ???
or is there a way to check that a node is displayed?


You can check the Gantt.Grid.GridStructure.LastDrawnNode property. You can check the rectangle of a cell of this node.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


To make sure you are working with current data you should call Gantt.Grid.Refresh() before checking the LastDrawnNode.


10823 : how to handle the mouseEnter and mouseLeave events for the time item?


How to handle the mouseEnter and mouseLeave events for the time item. Actually i want to change the color of timeitem when mouse entered and again apply the previous color when mouse leaves


Implement the event OnTimeItemAreaMouseMove. In this event look up the timeItem currently under the mouse with Gantt.TimeItemFromPoint.

Remember the result in a member variable, beware that the result might be null (mouse currently not over any time item) .

If the member variable with the time item changes value, then the old time item should get its default time item layout back: _oldRemeberedTimeItem.TimeItemLayout=DefaultTimeItemLayout, and the new value should be given a TimeItemLayout that represent “Mouse is over me”.

It is not an uncommen mistake to change the TimeItemLayout’s values, and thus changing the look for all time items with that time item layout. You should of course change the time items so that it points to a different time item layout to get the desired effect of only changing one time item.

10733 : How do I implement the OnUnhandledException event?


How do I implement the OnUnhandledException event. It does not seem to exist in your object model?


The event must be implement in code. The event catches exceptions raised in the draw loop. Since all parts of the gantt has possiblity to inject user code in draw loop, all parts has this event.

In c# write 

Gantt.Grid.OnUnhandledException+= and press tab
Gantt.TimeItemArea.OnUnhandledException+= and press tab
Gantt.DateScaler.OnUnhandledException+= and press tab