10129 : I try to change the old existing timeitems start time


I am trying to add a new timeitem to an existing layer which already has a timeitem. when i set the new timeitems start and stop time it works, but when i try to change the old existing timeitems start time to the new timeitems stop, it still uses the same old start time, by which the new timeitem is overlaid on the existing timeitem which i dont want. how do i solve this?


I cannot be sure, but I think you might have forgotten to change the Stop time of the existing time item… Stop must be larger that Start. If this is not it, please send us a (compiling) minimal sample showing this…

10131 : In the Event AfterMove of the TimeItem it is possible to know which is the destination Row? I need to check if permit or not the move.


In the Event AfterMove of the TimeItem it is possible to know which is the destination Row? I need to check if permit or not the move.


The public event TimeItemEvent OnTimeItem_AfterMove() has the time item event arguments
You can use the e.NewGanttRow or you can follow the e.TimeItem.GanttRow link.

10127 : How far off are you from having a version of the components to work with Delphi 2005?


How far off are you from having a version of the components to work with Delphi 2005?


Its already working; take a look at this ECOII sample https://plexityhide.com/pub/SamplesECO.zip

This is made with the newer GTP.NET

To Get the phGantTimePackage compiled for Delphi2005 ; download this: https://plexityhide.com/pub/d2005dcu.zip


10128 : Could you give me more details about the Gantt.UpdateMultiSelect function? What is that for?


Could you give me more details about the Gantt.UpdateMultiSelect function? What is that for?


You send in a specific time item to the Gantt.UpdateMultiSelect. If the control key is held at the moment, the selection state of the time item will be toggled. If the ctrl is not held, all other time items that might be selected will de-select and the time item in question will be the only one left selected.

10122 : tooltips on grid rows


I was able to show task notes icon, as appears in MS Project, by creating custom cell. But I was unable to show desired notes as tooltip, is there anyway to show tooltip on a custom cell image, specific to different rows?


You can put a string in the GridNode.UserReference and then pick it up in the mouse move event:

    private void gantt1_OnGridMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


      Cell cell=gantt1.Grid.GridStructure.CellFromXY(e.X,e.Y);

      string tooltiptext=””;

      if (cell!=null)


        if (cell.Node.UserReference is string)


          tooltiptext=cell.Node.UserReference as string;






10121 : Is it possible to get a 3 rows in the DataScaler (on for the Month, on for the Week, and on for the day)?


Is it possible to get a 3 rows in the DataScaler (on for the Month, on for the Week, and on for the day)?


No. Sorry. The datescaler is fixed to two bands. You can completly override the drawing by implementing the Gantt.OnDateScalerPaintForeground, but it will be some work to get it all in place.

Remember that we always offer to extend our products on an hourly basis for clients with special needs.

10115 : How can I show a progress by a task as it is in the Microsoft Project?


Thank you for your replies, our company is in one step to buy your product! Your support are great!
One more question about phGantTimePackage:
How can I show a progress by a task as it is in the Microsoft Project?


There are two possible solutions depending on your needs.

First; Implement user draw on the time item and draw it yourself, and draw the progress bar as part of the time item.

Second solution; Add another, thinner, time item in another layer. This solution will allow you users to change the progress by click and drag, but you need to move the progress bar time item when the main time item is moved.


10116 : Scroll focused into view


 I have 2 tabs in a form, one has input fields and second has GTP control, data is bound through coding. I want to retain the position of last selected cell/row of GTP Grid, I tried with storing selection point and restoring it at the time of getting focused on the tab, it works. BUT when Grid rows are increased upto 100-200 scroll bars appears and selection is restored but Grid does not auto scroll and get focused on the selected row, why? is there any property to be set?


You can set Gantt.Grid.GridStructure.TopNode to the node of the focused cell.

10113 : How to get to the cell values when I have a particular TimeItem?


How do i get the cell values of the same GridNode when I have a particular TimeItem. Consider Cell0 has “1”, Cell1 has “2” and a TimeItem for this. When I  or click the time item i want these cell values. How do i get that. plz send me some sample coding.


You go like this TimeItem.GanttRow.GridNode.GetCell(x) to reach the grid row cells associated with a given time item