TodayLine was not positioned correctly on scaled printouts; fixed
EndPrint issue: OutOfMemory; it seems wrong to force a
UpdateOffscreenCanvas here, more over the Height & Width might be set to
gigantic in order to evaluate needed print size and then this will give out of
memory exceptions. (Gerhard Rehn, MSAccess)
Error in VS-design time; printer was accessed when properties of
phGant was inspected.
DateTimePicker problem in vcl fixed
D09 adaptions
***************** phGantXControl.tlb *****************
User: Hasse Date: 09-01-02 Time: 10:30
Checked in $/plexityhide/AX
QuadPoint exposure was a mistake since the ScalerHeight and
ScalerWidth control these values
***************** phGantXControl_TLB.pas *****************
User: Hasse Date: 09-01-02 Time: 10:30
Checked in $/plexityhide/AX
QuadPoint exposure was a mistake since the ScalerHeight and
ScalerWidth control these values
***************** phSchemaX.pas *****************
***************** phGantXControl_TLB.pas *****************
***************** phGantXControl.dof *****************
***************** phGantXControl.res *****************
***************** phGantXControl.tlb *****************
User: Hasse Date: 08-12-30 Time: 5:24
Checked in $/plexityhide/AX
MouseMoveModeCancel added to phSchema
***************** phGantXControl.res *****************
***************** phGantXControl.tlb *****************
***************** phGantXControl_TLB.pas *****************
***************** phGantX.pas *****************
***************** phGantXControl.dof *****************
User: Hasse Date: 08-04-30 Time: 7:10
Checked in $/plexityhide/AX
Added SupressOnUserDrawExceptions since we had non catchable accvios
from the PB-runtime
***************** phGantXControl.dof *****************
***************** phGantXControl.res *****************
***************** phGantXControl.tlb *****************
***************** phGantXControl_TLB.pas *****************
***************** phGantX.pas *****************
User: Hasse Date: 07-09-19 Time: 0:43
Checked in $/plexityhide/AX
New property InplaceDateTimeClearStatesBetweenEdits
When true will force the datetimepicker to select the left most part of the date
when shown, otherwise it will select the part that was selected last time.