10496 : Versions of phGantTimePackage


I just purchased and installed the COM edition of the GantTime package, and i do not really understand the versionning.

It was supposed to be version 3.2.1, but the installer just speaks about 3.0.

I found a patch on your site, but should i just replace the OCX in program files/plexityhide.com directory ?

And then, how can i know which version is in use under visual studio 2005 projects ? Because the version that is displayed in the references files “AxphGantXControl” and “phGantXControl” is “” .

Please help me.


The first number (currently 3 for phGantTimePackage) is the major version and we usually ask for an update fee when this changes.

The second number shows new releases normally introducing some new functionality.

The third number is increased for bug fixes. Currently the install package has a fully functional version, but the patch available here https://plexityhide.com/pub/phGantXControl.zip contains more functionality and also has bug fixes.

You should download the latest patch.
You can simply replace your ocx with the new one.
If you put the new one in a new location you must register it with Regsvr32.exe <theocx> (standard com).

Your registration with us; that you have a license, will not be lost by this operation.

The version of your ocx can always be checked by finding the ocx in the explorer, choose properties, and click the version tab. The number displayed will be the correct version number for that ocx.

The version number 2.5 you see in VS2005 is the version of the typelibrary. The typelibrary is not given new version numbers when we extend it. If we make larger changes to the structure of the component so that the type library will not be backwards compatible its version will be updated (not in our current plans).


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