In VCL version, may I know how to use onDependencyAction? How to set theFirst and theSecond? How the userIntergerReference be used in the TphDataEntity_Ganttime? Thanks in advance.
In the TphGant you can set the StickyMode=smDependency. This will set the mouse into a mode were a click and drag from one time item draw an outline of a link from the time item (start). If the user lets go of the mouse over another time item (target) the OnDependencyAction is fired…
In this event you get theFirst,theSecond:TphDataEntity_GantTime , that is the start and the target.
To exit from this mode you must call StickyMode=smNone…
You are free to use UserReference properties to whatever you need. It is commonly used to store some kind of unique information that leads you back to the original data.