10786 : Event when grid row is resized


I use the following code to draw horizontal lines on the TimeItemArea.

private void gantt1_OnTimeItemAreaPaintBackground(OffscreenDraw aOffscreenDraw, OffscreenDrawArgs e)
  for (int i = 0; i < gantt1.Grid.GridStructure.RootNodes.Count; i++)
    Rectangle rect = gantt1.Grid.GridStructure.RootNodes[i].Rect();
    Debug.Print(rect.Top.ToString() + " " + rect.Left.ToString());
    e.G.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.DeepSkyBlue)), aOffscreenDraw.CalcLeft, rect.Top, aOffscreenDraw.CalcRight, rect.Top);

What event is fired when a user resizes the height of a grid row to update the lines?


Grid.OnRowResize, this event was introduced recently and is not currently in the help file.

10980 : Changing all row heights when one row is changing


I tried to use the OnRowResize event to change all rows while one was changing. The grid starts to flicker and behave weird when doing this…


To solve this we introduced a new event.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


New event added OnRowResizeDone


Event fires when user has resized a row.

You can implement this event to do other changes that you want as a result of a row height change,

like if you want to change all other Grid rows the same way.


This event is available from


So your code can look like this:


    /// <summary>

    /// This sample show how to detect a user row height change and how to change all the rows

    /// alike after the user has released the mouse button.

    /// </summary>

    void Grid_OnRowResizeDone(Grid aGrid, RowResizeDoneArgs e)


      for (int i = 0; i < aGrid.GridStructure.RootNodes.Count; i++)


        aGrid.GridStructure.RootNodes[i].UserRowHeight = e.GridNode.Rect().Height;




10679 : Is there an event that it fires when a row width is changed by a gui-action (not if you set it by code)?


Is there an event that it fires when a row width is changed by a gui-action (not if you set it by code)?


Yes, Gantt.Grid.OnRowResize

Sample in VB.NET:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

  AddHandler Gantt1.Grid.OnRowResize, AddressOf My_OnRowResize ' add an event handle thru code 


End Sub

' Implement the eventhandler
Private Sub My_OnRowResize(ByVal aGrid As PlexityHide.GTP.Grid, ByVal e As PlexityHide.GTP.RowResizeArgs)
  ' If the row is getting higher than 50 pixels we stop it from growing further
  If e.Delta > 0 And e.GridNode.Rect.Height > 50 Then
    e.Delta = 0
  End If
End Sub