i am converting a program from vb6 to Everything seems to go fine, exept for the userdraw ackground part. I know how to create graphics in .net But the function returns a Hdc and how can i convert this to a graphic object (so i can paint a today line for example).
You can convert a Hdc to a Graphic object like in the sample below.
private void axphSchemaX1_OnUserDrawTime(object sender, AxphGantXControl.IphSchemaXEvents_OnUserDrawTimeEvent e)
Graphics gr=System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHdc((IntPtr)e.theHDC);
gr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Beige,5),e.left,,e.right,e.bottom);
gr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.BlueViolet,5),e.right,,e.left,e.bottom);