Can i draw somehow a vertical line on the time item area, that will always show the current time?
you can set IphGantX3.TodayLineOnOff=true, but It is easy to do this in the Background draw event, like this
Private Sub phGantX1_OnGantAreaDrawBackground(ByVal theGant As phGantXControl.IphGantX3, ByVal Left As Long, ByVal Top As Long, ByVal Right As Long, ByVal Bottom As Long, ByVal theHDC As Long)
Dim aRect As Module1.RECT
x = theGant.DateToPixel(Now)
If (x > 0) And (x < Right) Then
aRect.Bottom = Bottom
aRect.Top = Top
aRect.Right = x + 1
aRect.Left = x – 1
aBrush = Module1.GetStockObject(7)
aDummy = Module1.FrameRect(theHDC, aRect, aBrush)
End If
‘Public Declare Function GetStockObject Lib “gdi32” (ByVal fnObject As Long) As Long
End Sub