Id like to put my own labels inside the headers of each column.
Is this possible? How?
When you define you columns you set the Title property;
GridColumn c_st=gantt1.Grid.Columns.AddNew(CellType.SingleText);
GridColumn c_mt=gantt1.Grid.Columns.AddNew(CellType.MultiText);
GridColumn c_td=gantt1.Grid.Columns.AddNew(CellType.TimeDate);
You can then control how the column headers are rendered by assigning CellLayouts. The simple way to assign a named CellLayout to the complete column is to set the gantt1.Grid.Columns.LayoutName to the name of an existing CellLayout in the Gantt.Grid.CellLayouts collection.
A more advanced way, that allows you to have unique CellLayouts all cells, including header cells, is to in runtime assign a CellLayout object the the Cell.Layout property. For header cells you reach the cell object via the Column object; GridColumn.ColumnCell.
You can also inject html code in the headers or in any cell by assigning them values with html snippets in them; like instead of col.Title=”the title” you can set col.Title=”<b>the title</b>”…