10112 : Is there a way to set the hour per day to a different value than 24?


Is there a way to set the hour per day to a different value than 24? I mean, I want my timeline to start at 8.00 and to stop at 18.00. So , if a timeItem starts lasting 3 hours, starts at 17.00 on monday, I would like to see in the graph a line starting at 17.00


We always do all data handling based on 24 hours per day. You can however hide certain time intervalls, or certain day types from view. We call this Time Hiding and Day Hiding.

For phGantTimePackage see IphGantX3.SetHiddenHour and IphGantX3.SetHiddenDayType in the help file.

For GTP.NET you can do like this to hide certain hours:

    private bool timeHide=false;
    private void buttonToggleHideTime_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      if (timeHide)
        dateScaler1.HideHours(new int[]{11,12,13});
        dateScaler1.ShowHours(new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23});

For further info look up PlexityHide.GTP.DateScaler.HideDays and PlexityHide.GTP.DateScaler.HideHours in the help file.


10110 : Is there a way to inhibit TimeItem Overlap.


Is there a way to inhibit TimeItem Overlap. I want them to be placed side-by-side. In the onTimeCollision event how may I know wich is the Item being moved/resized and wich is the one who “suffer” the overlap?


To force time items to be placed side by side you simple turn on CollisionDetection (default on). As to how to find out who is the time item mostly suffering from a detected collision; This is really a business logic defintion, we simply cannot tell what makes most sense in all cases.

What you can do is to check the Currently selected time items, it is likely that you differ between the time item that has moved into a colliding position and the time item that has been “jumped”. Simply check the Selected flag on the time items in the oncollisiondetect event, the one selected is likely the one last moved.

10106 : phGantTimePackage .ocx where or how can I get the cab file?


I have a problem with the phGantTimePackage .ocx control and my .aspx page. I added the phGantTimePackage .ocx into my .aspx page and all works fine if I open this page on my computer. But when I try to open this page on another computer I have a problem – the ocx control doesnt show. As I understand, if I want to use ocx I need to add codebase attribute and specify the path to the cab file. But where or how can I get this cab file? Do I need to buy the phGantTimePackage product?


Yes you need a cab file, and yes you need a developer license to to be allowed to deploy the solution. You do not need a license per client of course. You can produce a cab file yourself with the standard tools provided by microsoft or you can use ours. To control licensing for IE-integrated ocx’s an lpk file is used. You need to produce this as-well from the lic file or use ours.

This would be the syntax even if this uses an older version;

<OBJECT CLASSID = “clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331”>
   <PARAM NAME=”LPKPath” VALUE=”phGantX.lpk”>


If you want to use our cab we can send it to, simply email support with the request (registred users only, please provide license name)

The lpk files you will find the samples/activex/asp folder.

10105 : I am using phGanttChart ActiveX in MFC application. I wish to store the GRID column number that was clicked for sorting. That I wish to remember the last sort… How do I do that??


I am using phGanttChart ActiveX in MFC application. I have a registered version v3.5.5.70. I wish to store the GRID column number that was clicked for sorting. That I wish to remember the last sort… How do I do that??


You will need to trap the click in the column head and check if the column had SortEnable=true and remember the column index.

Implement IphGantX3.OnMouseDown, check that theSubComponent==gscGrid.

Find the cell if any; You can do this with IphGantX3,GetGridCellRect(x,0, out aTop: OleVariant; out aLeft: OleVariant;
                              out aBottom: OleVariant; out aRight: OleVariant); and check if the click was inside any of the header cell rects.

10102 : How can I change backcolor and font for the tree columns header?


phGantTimePackage: How can I change backcolor and font for the tree columns header?


You create GridLayoutProperties


and init them to the values you want

  phGantX1.GridLayoutPropSet 0, ColorConstants.vbYellow, ColorConstants.vbBlack, “Helvetica”, 8, 20, 20, False, True, False, True, False
  phGantX1.GridLayoutPropSet 1, ColorConstants.vbRed, ColorConstants.vbBlack, “Helvetica”, 8, 20, 20, False, True, False, True, False
  phGantX1.GridLayoutPropSet 2, ColorConstants.vbBlue, ColorConstants.vbWhite, “Helvetica”, 8, 20, 20, False, True, False, True, False

Then you can use them in the header cells:

For icol = 0 To phGantX1.GridColumnCount – 1
  phGantX1.SetGridCellLayoutPropIndex icol, 0, 1 ‘ Use the no 1 LayoutProperty in all header cells (row=0)
Next icol

10089 : Is there a way to turn off the relationship between the length of a timeitem and its timeitemtext?


Is there a way to turn off the relationship between the length of a timeitem and its timeitemtext?
Because now when I have a short timeitembar, my timeitemtext is too short to display the whole text


Well not really, you can fallback on UserDraw and draw the time item and text yourself.

If you are using GTP.NET you can use the TimeItemTextLayout.OutsideText property, this will  draw your text outside the time item.


10087 : Links in phGantTimePackage


I add 4 Ganttimes with links.
OK  !

But …
1. How can I remove one link
2. How can I remove all links
( I mean only the links – not remove time and add time again)

3. How can I link again (without ADDTIME – only the links)


You can addlinks like this:

    phGantXControl.IphDataEntity_Link mylink;
    mylink.StartFinishOption=(phGantXControl.TxLinkStartFinishOption) oneoffive;

You can remove links by getting the list of all links: IphGantX3.GetLinks, this gives you an IphDataList2 that you can iterate and do all normal list actions with, like remove or Clear to remove all links…

If you put some external reference in your IphDataEntity_GantTime.UserReference, you might also consider to put a UserReference in the IphDataEntity_Link.UserReference. In that case you can find a link by IphGantX3.GetLinks.FindFromUserReference.

If you simply iterate the IphGantX3.GetLinks you can check if a link is connected to the currently selected GantTime with this code;

for i=0 to IphGantX3.GetLinks-Count-1 do
  dim alink as IphDataEntity_Link
  set alink=IphGantX3.GetLinks[i]
  if ((not alink.LinkOwner is Null) and (not alink.LinkedTo is Null) then
    if (alink.LinkOwner=Gantt1.IphGantX3.ActiveDataEntity) or (alink.LinkedTo=Gantt1.IphGantX3.ActiveDataEntity) then
      ‘ Found one, do stuff…
Next i

10070 : Can you change the format of the date on the date scaler?


Can you change the format of the date on the date scaler?
We would like to change for example, “0502-08” to “May 02-08”, when at one week resolution.


In GTP.NET you can set DateScaler.CultureInfoDateTimeFormat to change the date format to another cultural style to get the same effect in phGantTimePackage you must change the locales setting…

BUT you probably want to override the suggested output;
In GTP.NET Implement the event DateScaler.OnDateScalerDrawString and override the output by changing the argument e.OutputText.

Like this:
    private void dateScaler1_OnDateScalerDrawString(PlexityHide.GTP.DateScaler dateScaler, PlexityHide.GTP.DateScalerDrawStringEventArgs e)
      if (checkBoxMyOwnWeekPres.Checked)
        // If you want to customize the way the date scaler draws its strings, you can…
          if ((e.LongIntervall && e.Resolution==NonLinearTime.TimeResolution.days) && (!dateScaler1.UseDayNumbersNotWeeks))
            // In this case we override the long intervall presentation when the resolution of the lower is Days ;
            e.OutputText=e.DateTime.ToString(“MMdd”)+” – “+e.DateTime.AddDays(6).ToString(“MMdd”);

Additional information from our friend Uli: I would like to change the DateScaler string. FAQ Q10070 describes a solution but there is a problem with the displayed DateTime which doesn´t agree to the displayed days. There is a small offset of three days. I did the following:

this.gantt1.DateScaler.OnDateScalerDrawString+=new DateScalerDrawStringEventHandler(DateScaler_OnDateScalerDrawString);
      this.gantt1.DateScaler.TimeSpanSet(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today.AddDays(20));

void DateScaler_OnDateScalerDrawString(DateScaler dateScaler, DateScalerDrawStringEventArgs e)
            e.OutputText=e.DateTime.ToString(“dd.MM”)+” – “+e.DateTime.AddDays(6).ToString(“dd.MM”);

Supports answer: The answer to this is that weeks presentation is performed when drawMarker.DayOfWeek == timeLine.MidWeek, so Uli is correct. For week presentation the supplied date will need an AddDays(-3) for displaying the start of the week correctly. This was a bit unexpected in the design phase but we are keeping this behaviour so you can safely substract 3 days to get the start and add 3 days to get the end of the week (all cultures have 7 days a week right?!).


In phGantTimePackage you implement the event OnScalerStringShort and OnScalerStringLong to change the short and long intervall representation.

Also; the Gantt.DateScaler.ShowWeekNumbers=true and the Gantt.DateScaler.StartOfWeek property is an easy way to an alternative week presentation.



10066 : I need is to be able to display various periods of calendar with several shifts (time periods) in a day..


Hi, i am currently evaluating phGantTime package and i would like to see is it possible to  a rosters with it. What i need is to be able to display various periods of calendar with several shifts (time periods) in a day..And i need to assign employees to shifts. Also i need to be able to draw holidays and weekends with different colors.

Can you please send me some sample code? Because there are alot of properties, and so far i cant find a way how to customize this top line which displays date



The sample code below draws a green background on Wednesdays and a red background on sunday. This sample is for GTP.NET but you can do the same thing in phGantTimePackage…

    private void gantt1_OnDateScalerPaintBackground(PlexityHide.GTP.OffscreenDraw aOffscreenDraw, PlexityHide.GTP.OffscreenDrawArgs e)< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




    private void gantt1_OnTimeItemAreaPaintBackground(PlexityHide.GTP.OffscreenDraw aOffscreenDraw, PlexityHide.GTP.OffscreenDrawArgs e)





    private void DoBack(Graphics G,int aHeight)


      DateTime i=gantt1.DateScaler.StartTime;

      DateTime ii;

      Brush b_sunday=new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

      Brush b_wednesday=new SolidBrush(Color.Green);

      while (i<gantt1.DateScaler.StopTime)




        int x1=gantt1.DateScaler.TimeToPixel(i.Subtract(i.TimeOfDay));

        int x2=gantt1.DateScaler.TimeToPixel(ii.Subtract(ii.TimeOfDay));


        if (i.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Sunday )



        if (i.DayOfWeek==DayOfWeek.Wednesday)




