Versions prior 2005-05-28

Comment: MouseMoveModeCancel ***************** phGantXControl_TLB.pas ***************** User: Hasse Date: 05-01-16 Time: 11:42 Checked in $/plexityhide/AX Comment: ***************** phGantXControl.dof ***************** User: Hasse Date: 05-01-16 Time: 11:42 Checked in $/plexityhide/AX Comment: ***************** phGantXControl_TLB.pas… Continue reading

10269 : How to use the PrintWithGrid method in Delphi 7 to print the Gantt Chart to a BmpFile or JPeg File ?

…in a different  device context (hdc). So go like this to create a bitmap:   Result  := TBitmap.Create;   Result.Canvas.Lock;   try     Result.PixelFormat := pf32bit;     Result.Width := xWidth;     Result.Height := xHeight;     TphPrintGantt.PrintWithGrid(G1,Result.Canvas.Handle,10,10,2,2,G1.TreeWidth,nil,-1,true,g1.Start,g1.Stop,g1.Width-g1.TreeWidth,g1.ScalerHeight,usedwidth,usedHeight,0,0,nil);   finally     Result.Canvas.UnLock;     Result.Free;   end;  … Continue reading