10184 : How to select the item (row) in the grid that corresponds to an item in the gantt area that is selected ? (i.e in the same row)


How to select the item (row) in the grid that corresponds to an item in the gantt area that is selected ? (i.e in the same row)


In GTP.NET you implement the event Gantt.OnTimeItem_SelectionChanged and put some code there like:

if (e.TimeItem.Selected)

In phGantTimePackage the event is called IphGantX3.OnSelectionChangedGantTime, and the code would look like this

if (theDataEntity.Selected)
  IphGantX3.GridCellFocusedY=(theDataEntity.Row.TreeNode as IphDataEntity_Tree3).GridRowIndex;

10188 : Differences between phGantTimePackage COM and VCL


We are looking at your phGantTimePackage Evaluation COM edition and VCL edition.
Are the two products the same in terms of functionality?
Do we have to choose one or the other – or are both available in same license?

Is source code available?


The phGantTimePackage VCL and COM has one source. The COM edition has COM wrapping code around it, and does not expose all the functionality of the VCL source. However the COM version is better documented because it has a bigger and more demanding audience.

All in all the functionality is more or less the same. The VCL version in D7 integrates into the BOLD framework and that really rocks! (Bold came with Delphi7 Architect version and is the best MDA framework in the world, in Delphi2005 the guys that made Bold made ECOII and is a strong contender for the title of the best MDA framework in the world)

The VCL version is rather detailed in its object model (almost as detailed as GTP.NET the .NET Gantt ).

If you license the source you can build the OCX from it, using Delphi7 or Delphi2005, and use it as VCL components, with or without BOLD

10198 : How can the font color of the GantTime objects be set?


How can the font color of the GantTime objects be set?


– phGantX.TimeItemTextFont1 to …3 and phGantX.TimeItemTextFont1Color to
Define these fonts and then use them in this method:
index integer
Value String
X integer
Y integer
FontIndex integer <—- HERE

Sets text on a single time item.

10195 : How do I call PrintToHDC from C#?


How do I call PrintToHDC from C#? The first argument asks for “aHDC” which
I don’t know what it is?


axphSchemaX1.PrintToHdc(aHdc,0,0,200,20,aScale,aScale,aStartCol,axphSchemaX1.Columns().Count()-1, axphSchemaX1.ScalerStart, axphSchemaX1.ScalerStop,axphSchemaX1.FlipView,ref uw,ref uh);

Note: PrintToDefault grabs the Device Context Handle (hdc) from the windows deault
printer and then uses PrintToHDC

10181 : Can the tree node be uniquely identified in PhGantt? How to disable node name change?


Can the tree node be uniquely identified in phGantt? How to disable node name change?


You can use the UserReference or UserIntegerReference of IphDataEntity to put a unique key in.
And you can stop editing of a particular cell by implementing IphGantX3.OnBeforeCanEditGrid and set the theDataEntity.CanEdit=false

10194 : OnValueChangedGrid, I want to overide the new date value with my own default date.


 On my gant chart I have 4 columns setup, two of which are of type tekDate. Inside the OnValueChangedGrid event I am checking the value of the date that the user just modified. If the new value is not a valid date (based on my applications business rules) I want to overide the new date value with my own default date.


the value will be set in the cell after the event is called
so no matter what you do the cell inside the event will matter. However the
newValue string is a string pointer so you can change it inside the event
try this:

procedure TForm1.phGantXColsValueChangedGrid(Sender: TObject;
const theGant: IphGantX3; const theDataEntity: IphDataEntity_Tree2; X,
Y: Integer; var newValue: WideString);
newValue:=’This Value’;

or in your case:

 if (e.newValue is not Valid)
 e.newValue = defaultDate.ToString();