Using the print facilities of your object I can just launch the print preview based on the current default printer and its configurations (like paper size, etc).< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I wonder how can do to let the user to select which printer to use and to properly configure it before printing the gantt.
Stole this more or less from MSDN:
public void Printing(string printer) {
try {
streamToPrint = new StreamReader (filePath);
try {
printFont = new Font(“Arial”, 10);
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(pd_PrintPage);
// Specify the printer to use.
pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = printer;
if (pd.PrinterSettings.IsValid) {
else {
MessageBox.Show(“Printer is invalid.”);
finally {
catch(Exception ex) {