I have difficulties with adding links to my Gantt (Databound). I do the following (see code below)to add the link to my dataset and get a nullReferenceException on the last line when adding the new row to the dataset.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
What happens is that in your TimeItemLink.cs, UpdateValue() in the line int y = TimeItemLinks.IndexOf(aLink) the “list” variable used in IndexOf() is null.
Can you give me any clue on that please?
startItemRow = ((DataRowView)(linkStartItemUserData).First).Row; // attività owner del link da creare;
stopItemRow = ((DataRowView)((Pair)endItem.UserReference).First).Row;
startId = Convert.ToInt32(startItemRow[“ID”]);
stopId = Convert.ToInt32(stopItemRow[“ID”]);
row = chartData.Tables[“link”].NewRow();
row[“id”] = ++dataRowCount;
row[“owner”] = startId;
row[“target”] = stopId;
row[“link_type”] = “StartToFin”; //nuovo link sempre
row[“color”] = “blue”;
It is important that the TimeItem set the Identity field when using databound links.
TimeItem.Identity: Identity is used to tie databound timeitemlinks. Set Identity to the primary key for your time items. If the time items are databound; assign the TimeItemDataConnect.NameInDS_Identity to the primary key column of your time item row