10644 : Im evaluating GTP.NET and YAPP, could you tell me whta is the relation between the two products?


I’m evaluating GTP.NET and YAPP, could you tell me what is the relation between the two products? Can projects created in yapp be opened using GTP?


Yapp was made using the phGantTimePackage. Yapp is a standalone application that uses many of the features available in the phGantTimePackage. When .net was released we constructed GTP.NET, that stands for GanttTimePackage.Net. Now GTP.NET is a, fully managed, potent component package that in many ways surpass the phGantTimePackage.

Yapp uses a simple xml format to persist the objects within. This format could easily be interperted and read by your code to show the same data in the GTP.NET, but there are no such functions built into the GTP.NET package.

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