I want to create a cell with custom draw and also use a custom editor. Can this be done with the Grid from plexityHide?
Yes. You will need to implement 4 events
#1 OnGridCustomCellDraw, to control how the cell data will be drawn when not in edit mode
private void gantt1_OnGridCustomCellDraw(PlexityHide.GTP.Grid aGrid, PlexityHide.GTP.CustomCellEventArgs e)
int x = 0;
if (e.Cell.Content.Value != null)
x = (int)e.Cell.Content.Value;
e.G.DrawString(x.ToString() + " Custom", aGrid.Font, new SolidBrush(Color.Firebrick), e.DrawRect.Location);
#2 & #3 OnGridCustomCellEditStartByMouse and OnGridCustomCellEditStartByKey to start edit and create the custom editor,
place it, fill it with the current cell value etc.
private void gantt1_OnGridCustomCellEditStartByMouse(Grid aGrid, CustomCellEventArgs e)
// This event triggers for custom cells when edit Edit Starts from a mouseclick: Show editor, with data from Cell.Content.Value
// Why two start edit events? Mouse and Key? - Well you may want to catch the key press as input, but click should selet all in the editor...
if (e.MouseEventThatStartedEdit.Clicks==2)
private void gantt1_OnGridCustomCellEditStartByKey(Grid aGrid, CustomCellEventArgs e)
// This event triggers for custom cells when edit Edit Starts from a key press: Show editor, with data from Cell.Content.Value
// Why two start edit events? Mouse and Key? - Well you may want to catch the key press as input, but click should selet all in the editor...
private TrackBar customEditTrackBar=null;
private void InitCustomEditor(Grid aGrid,CustomCellEventArgs e)
customEditTrackBar = new TrackBar(); // keep the component until edit ends
customEditTrackBar.Bounds = e.Cell.Content.LimitRect;
customEditTrackBar.AutoSize = false;
int x=0;
if (e.Cell.Content.Value!=null)
x = (int)e.Cell.Content.Value;
#4 OnGridCustomCellEndEdit that ends a current edit session and moves data from custom editor into the Cell
private void gantt1_OnGridCustomCellEndEdit(Grid aGrid, CustomCellEventArgs e)
// This event triggers for custom cells when edit is done: move new data from editor to Cell.Content.Value
if (customEditTrackBar != null)
e.Cell.Content.Value = customEditTrackBar.Value;
customEditTrackBar = null;