Using phGantTime and printing. We have text displayed in the time object. If the object is small then the text is truncated and cannot be seen on a printout. Is there anyway the text can be placed outside the time object so when a print is performed the whole text can be seen?
The latest patch has new functionality to render time item texts outside their time items.
You go like this to use it:
Private Sub addRow(textplacex As TxTextRectPlace, textplacey As TxTextRectPlace)
Dim de As IphDataEntity_Tree
Dim gr As IphGantRow3
Dim gt As IphDataEntity_GantTime2
If phGantX1.CurrentDataEntityTree Is Nothing Then
Set de = phGantX1.AddRootDataEntityTree
Set de = phGantX1.AddDataEntityTree(phGantX1.CurrentDataEntityTree)
End If
i = i + 1
de.Text = “<new row>” + Str(i)
Set gr = de.GantRow
gr.TimeItems_CanChangeRow = False
gr.TimeItems_CanMove = True
Set gt = phGantX1.AddGantTime(de, 0)
gt.Style = tsNormal
gt.Start = Date
gt.Stop = Date + 5
gt.TimeItemsTextSetEx 0, de.Text, 2, 2, 0, textplacex, textplacey
End Sub
And the TxTextRectPlace type can have these values trpInside,trpOutsideNear,trpOutsideFar