I cannot get an item to be selected and highlighted using code. When I add a new item using code I would like to have it selected so that the user can begin typing immediately to edit the text without having to select the item with the mouse. I have tried the following items:
TreeEntity.Expanded = True
NewProject.Expanded = True
phGantX1.SetCurrentDataEntityTree NewProject
phGantX1.SetGridCellSelected 0, NewProject.GridRowIndex, True
phGantX1.GridCellFocusedX = 0
phGantX1.GridCellFocusedY = NewProject.GridRowIndex
The best I can do is get the row to be grey but not selected with a focus rectangle ready to type.
What is lacking seems to be the focus of the control. You can call the win32 function SetFocus to set focus to a specific windows handle. You can get the windows handle to the grid with IphGantX3.HWndGrid.