Is there a way to set the hour per day to a different value than 24? I mean, I want my timeline to start at 8.00 and to stop at 18.00. So , if a timeItem starts lasting 3 hours, starts at 17.00 on monday, I would like to see in the graph a line starting at 17.00
We always do all data handling based on 24 hours per day. You can however hide certain time intervalls, or certain day types from view. We call this Time Hiding and Day Hiding.
For phGantTimePackage see IphGantX3.SetHiddenHour and IphGantX3.SetHiddenDayType in the help file.
For GTP.NET you can do like this to hide certain hours:
private bool timeHide=false;
private void buttonToggleHideTime_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (timeHide)
dateScaler1.HideHours(new int[]{11,12,13});
dateScaler1.ShowHours(new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23});
For further info look up PlexityHide.GTP.DateScaler.HideDays and PlexityHide.GTP.DateScaler.HideHours in the help file.