10667 : Is it possible to have different font color for Header and the cell?


Hi, Is it possible to have different font color for Header and the cell. If I set property in the celllayout it applies to whole of grid. I want to apply different font colors to the headers and the cell.


Yes. You can assign a unique CellLayout to each cell. The Column heads can also be treated as cells: GridColumn.ColumnCell so you can assign CellLayouts to them to.

You can find a CellLayout from a CellLayoutName like this Grid.CellLayouts.GetFromName(“theNameOfTheCellLayout”);

This sample shows how a header cell in Gantt_ASP is given a Bold type face:

CellLayout cl=new CellLayout();
new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif,14,FontStyle.Bold);


// When using Gantt_ASP it is even more important to add the cellLayout to this collection, or else it will not we added to the css

